Travel Soccer Codes of Conduct
Cleveland United expects all participants in our program to follow specific codes of conduct. These rules are in place to ensure a fun, safe, and respectful environment for players, parents, coaches and referees.
Please set a proper example for your child, by asking the question: “Is this the type of behavior I would exhibit anywhere else?” If the answer is “no”, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it at a youth sporting event!

Cleveland United Travel Soccer: Codes of Conduct and Disciplinary & Appeals
Cleveland United, GCAA, and NCYSA take these Codes of Conduct seriously. Any member of our organization accepts these rules, and will be bound to them simply by virtue of being a member. Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter of the Code, is required.
These codes of conduct are as follows:
GCAA takes these Codes of Conduct seriously. Any member of our organization accepts these rules, and will be bound to them simply by virtue of being a member. Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter of the Code, is required.
For the health and safety of our kids:
- Weapons, smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or pets (including dogs of any size) are NOT allowed on GCAA properties. This includes the GCAA Complex, the West View Elementary fields, HopeFront Church fields, or any other place where GCAA teams are gathering, practicing, or competing.
- If you are seen with any of these things, you will be asked to leave the property and will be found in violation of the GCAA Codes of Conduct.
- Failure to comply could result in suspension from GCAA properties, removal from the team, removal from our association, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.
- The use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at the GCAA Complex, West View Elementary fields, HopeFront Church fields, or any other place where GCAA teams are gathering, practicing, or competing is prohibited.
- These actions may also result in being reported to the local authorities, which could result in criminal charges and/or disciplinary action by the GCAA Board of Directors, Disciplinary Committee, or the Chairperson of a sport.
- Failure to comply could result in removal from the team, removal from our association, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.
GCAA takes these Codes of Conduct seriously. Any member of our organization accepts these rules, and will be bound to them simply by virtue of being a member. Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter of the Code, is required.
I, as a proud GCAA parent, agree to the following code of conduct:
- I understand that the Greater Cleveland Athletic Association is organized to promote youth athletics and good sportsmanship.
- I understand that GCAA hires trained officials tasked with officiating all contests. Officials are trained not only in the rules of the game, but also in keeping players safe. Officials who feel a player's safety is in question will always make the call.
- I understand that my conduct as a parent will have a definite impact on youth for whom it is intended, the program, and myself. I pledge to:
- Always support my child with positive encouragement.
- Refrain from coaching from the sidelines during training, practices, and games
- Show respect for the feelings and accept the capabilities of my child, my child’s teammates, and players on the other team.
- Refrain from demonstrating frustration or anger after a loss or poor performance.
- Always accept defeat graciously.
- Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork, and positive attitude always when representing my child, the team, and our club.
- Respect the facilities, either home or away, in which my child is privileged to play.
- Always maintain self-control and respect the 24 hour rule when dealing with issues and or concerns I have with respect to my child when communicating with a coach, program director, or staff member.
- I pledge to support, cooperate, and work in every way to promote youth athletics in the best interest of the programs and youths involved.
- I pledge to be respectful to all officials, even in an expression of disagreement.
- I agree to adhere to the principles of good sportsmanship, and to the rules and regulations defined by GCAA, any organizations affiliated with GCAA, and any sports’ sanctioning bodies.
- I understand that weapons, pets (including dogs of any size), smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs are NOT allowed on GCAA properties. This includes the GCAA Complex, the West View Elementary fields, HopeFront Church fields, or any other place where GCAA teams are gathering, practicing, or competing.
- If you are seen with any of these things, you will be asked to leave the property and will be found in violation of the GCAA Codes of Conduct.
- Failure to comply could result in suspension from GCAA properties, removal from the team, removal from our association, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.
- I understand that if I display poor sportsmanship, whether before, during, or following a game, I will be subject to partial or permanent program suspension. Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but not limited to the following:
- Harassment of coaches, players, spectators, or officials
- Use of profane language and/or gestures towards any person
- Public threats, verbal abuse, or physical violence towards any person
- Regulations regarding adult's ejection or suspension will follow (but are not limited to) the guidelines listed below:
- I understand that if I am asked to leave a game, I will be suspended from attending the next game to be played by my player’s team.
- I understand that if I am asked to leave a second game during any one season. I will not be allowed to attend any of the remaining regular season games and any end of season tournament(s).
- I understand that the GCAA board will review all adult ejections or suspensions and may extend any suspension beyond what is stated above as deemed appropriate for the offense.
- I understand that any suspension may be appealed by using the following process:
- The suspended individual should submit in writing a detailed account of the incident to the president of the association within 48 hours of the suspension.
- The statement should give names of any witnesses that observed the incident.
- I understand that this Code of Conduct does not exclude discipline from other sanctioning bodies (i.e. NCYSA for soccer). In the case of an ejection, the parent must leave the facility (out of sight and sound) in which the field is located and cannot return until 1 hour after their team's next match. If the parent does return before this time, an additional 2 game suspension will be incurred.
- If I violate any of the above provisions, I will adhere to the following typical GCAA disciplinary actions:
- Disrespect to an opposing player = 1 game suspension
- Ejection from a game (first offense) = 1 game suspension
- Ejection from a game (second offense) = 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game (third offense) = life suspension from participating in GCAA sanctioned events
- Verbal assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player = 1 year suspension from attending games
- Physical assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player = life suspension from participating in GCAA sanctioned events
* Violations may also warrant further disciplinary actions from other sanctioning bodies.
Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct could result in removal from the property, removal from the team, removal from our association, sanctions, and/or police involvement.
GCAA takes these Codes of Conduct seriously. Any member of our organization accepts these rules, and will be bound to them simply by virtue of being a member. Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter of the Code, is required.
I, as a player at GCAA, agree to the following code of conduct:
- I will be respectful at all times to other players, both on my team and the opposing team as well as to coaches, officials, and spectators.
- I will not challenge a coach or official in a hostile manner.
- I will not taunt, trash talk, bully, use profanity, or make any threatening remarks to another individual. I understand that doing so will result in my immediate suspension from the league.
- I will clean up after myself by taking trash from my food/beverages.
- I will show good sportsmanship to all other individuals at all times.
- I will let my parent(s), guardian(s), or coach(es) know of any misconduct that puts my safety or the safety of others at risk.
- I will win and lose with dignity and respect.
This code of conduct in its entirety does not exclude discipline by the local association/club (when participating in away games) or other sanctioning bodies.
Failure to comply with the Player Code of Conduct could result in removal from the property, removal from the team, removal from our association, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.
GCAA takes these Codes of Conduct seriously. Any member of our organization accepts these rules, and will be bound to them simply by virtue of being a member. Adherence to the spirit, as well as the letter of the Code, is required.
I, as a coach at GCAA, agree to the following code of conduct:
- I will respect the opposing team, its players, its coaching staff, and spectators and will not engage in any disrespectful conduct.
- I will not engage or speak to another team's players and may only engage with their coach or an official in a respectful manner should an issue arise.
- I will respect the referees (umpires) and will not challenge or show dissent with their officiating.
- I will inform and adhere to all GCAA bylaws for my designated division.
- I will respect all GCAA officials and will abide by their directives.
- I will be responsible for the conduct of my players and their parents and will take all necessary steps to ensure their proper behavior.
- As a coach, I will not engage in any activity that encourages unsportsmanlike behavior by my players.
- The use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs immediately before, during, or immediately following GCAA events involving GCAA players and parents is prohibited.
If I violate any of the above provisions, I will adhere to the following discipline:
- Showing disrespect to a referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any event with which GCAA is involved – minimum 1 game suspension, maximum 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or other GCAA officials (first offense*) – 1 game suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or other GCAA officials (second offense*) – 1 season suspension
- Ejection from a game by ref or another GCAA official (third offense*) – Lifetime suspension from coaching in any GCAA Sport
- Verbal assault/hostile challenge of a referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any GCAA event – 1-year suspension
- Physical assault of referee/coach/player/parent or any other person at any GCAA event – Lifetime suspension from participation in GCAA and possible legal action.
- Coaching unsporting behavior – 1-year suspension
* This violation may also warrant further disciplinary actions from other sanctioning bodies.
In the case of an ejection, the coach must leave the park/facility (out of sight and sound) in which the playing area is located and can not return before being contacted by a GCAA Discipline Committee. If the coach does return before this time, a minimum of an additional 2-game suspension will be incurred.
Failure to comply with the Coaches Code of Conduct could result in removal from the team, our club, a field, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.
The NCYSA Code of Conduct must be read and understood by all Officers, Administrators, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, Parents, and Players of each NCYSA member Association. Coaches and Managers should review this material with their players and parents at their initial team meeting. Players and parents added to the team after those dates, should be schooled in the document(s) as soon as possible.
The Code of Conduct has been prepared as a guide to the principles and expectations of NCYSA and is intended to apply to everyone involved in NCYSA activities regardless of their role or affiliation. Adherence to the spirit as well as the letter of the Code is required. Persons unwilling to abide by the Code of Conduct should reconsider their involvement in NCYSA activities.
2A - Principles and Expectations
- NCYSA believes in the principles of fair play, ethical behavior, and the right of every individual to fully enjoy the sport of soccer without undue interference from others.
- NCYSA recognizes that participation in competitive activities is a source of strong feelings which will often lead to misunderstandings, disagreements and other conflicts. However, NCYSA also believes that every participant has a duty to respect the right of competitors to hold conflicting views.
- NCYSA therefore expects its coaches, players, referees, and spectators, as well as their friends and families to deal with conflicts in a spirit of good sportsmanship and to cooperate in promoting the enjoyment of soccer to the greatest extent possible.
- NCYSA expects adherence to the spirit, the letter of its Rules and the Laws of the Game. Unfair, rowdy, violent, illegal, dangerous and/or unsportsmanlike behavior, racial discrimination will not be tolerated, whether on the field of play or away from the playing area.
- NCYSA expects all participants to show respect for opponents, regardless of their skill. Since NCYSA activities usually involve children from a very young age and since children are influenced by the behavior of adults, adult participants will be held to the very highest standards of conduct.
2B – Unacceptable Conduct
- Vulgarity by coaches, players, or spectators directed towards anyone.
- Harassment of referees, coaches, or players by anyone.
- Debasement of or misconduct towards referees, coaches, or players by anyone.
- Physical violence or the threat of violence directed toward anyone or encouraged by anyone.
- Verbal or physical assault on a Referee. Physical assault is defined as any physical contact initiated by a player, coach, team official, spectator, elected officer, or appointed official.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages in and around the player area before, during or after a youth match, in addition to adherence to local venue rules and regulations.
- Use of illegal drugs under any circumstance.
2C – Coaches
Coaches are responsible for their own conduct, as well as the conduct of their Assistant Coaches, Players, Team Managers, and Spectators.
Fact: Did you know as a coach, you can be cautioned or sent off for the conduct of your spectators, as well as having the match abandoned and/or terminated?
The behavior of the coach is the role model for player and spectator behavior. The coach can exert strong player and spectator control by the example he/she sets, and by a few words of caution directed to the appropriate place when necessary.
NCYSA Coach Code of Ethics:
- I will ensure that my on-field behavior adheres to NCYSA values.
- I will take responsibility for the behavior of my players, coaching staff, and spectators.
- I will address referees in a respectful manner and encourage others to do so.
- I will take responsibility for the safety of my players, and never place them in undue danger.
- I will not engage in irresponsible behavior that brings myself, my club, NCYSA, or the sport of soccer into disrepute.
2D – Parents
Parents (and all adults/spectators) can have a tremendous influence on the children as they play the game of soccer. The role of the parent/spectator is to positively support their child and all players, with minimal negative impact. Yelling or screaming directed toward any individual – player, opponent, referee, or other spectators will not be tolerated! Please set a proper example for your child, by asking the question: “Is this the type of behavior I would exhibit anywhere else?” If the answer is “no”, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it at a youth sporting event.
Fact: Did you know that you can receive the same sanctions as a coach or player for inappropriate behavior? As an adult, you would be held to a higher standard!
NCYSA Spectator Code of Ethics:
- I will ensure that my behavior adheres to the NCYSA values.
- I will help to maintain a positive atmosphere by cheering for my team and refraining from disparaging our opponents, their coaches and spectators, or our match officials.
2E – Referees
As NCYSA expects and supports good conduct from its players, coaches and spectators, we also expect Referees to use their authority in a fair and honorable way, to maintain acceptable conduct on the sidelines, as well as on the field, and follow US Soccer’s Code of Ethics.
Indiscriminate red cards (or ejections) should not be the standard, nor should repeated, idle threats of ejection. However, Referees are expected to use their authority without hesitation when necessary to maintain order at matches.
NCYSA supports the authority of a referee to dismiss any coach, player or spectator from the area of the match for failure to comply with the NCYSA Code of Conduct and/or the Laws of the Game, and to terminate the match, if necessary. Referees are expected, whenever possible, to advise coaches of any unacceptable conduct and to give the coach an opportunity to correct the situation before taking other corrective action.
NCYSA maintains the Referee’s report of the match (match report and subsequent send off reports) are deemed accurate. D&A will use those reports, and solicit additional information (if needed) to determine sanctions for incidents. It is imperative that referees send their reports as soon as possible through the appropriate online channels.
Referees shown to have misused their authority will be held in violation and reported to the State Referee Committee Chairman for possible sanctions.
NCYSA Referee Code of Ethics:
- I will do my best to officiate the match in accordance with the word and spirit of the Laws of the Game as well as NCYSA policy.
- I will endeavor to be fair and make decisions from a spirit of impartiality.
- I will take responsibility for the safety of the players as well as the integrity of the game.
- I will cooperate with my fellow match officials to ensure that the game is served effectively.
- I will complete match reports accurately and completely within 24 hours of my match.
- I will not engage in irresponsible behavior that brings myself, NCYSA, or the sport of soccer into disrepute.
2F – Players
NCYSA Player Code of Ethics:
- I will compete with a positive attitude and demonstrate good sportsmanship in my interactions with teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and spectators.
- I will let my parent, guardian, or coach know of any misconduct that puts my safety or the safety of others at risk.
- I will win and lose with dignity and respect.
Adult misconduct towards sports officials is becoming more prevalent in society. To draw attention to and help put a stop to this behavior, North Carolina Youth Soccer (NCYSA) and the North Carolina Soccer Referees Association (NCSRA) have instituted the Yellow Wrist Band Initiative for Minor Referees.
For our young, inexperienced Referees to become more experienced and better Referees, they must be able to officiate games without intimidation, fear, and/or abuse.
A Referee wearing the Yellow Wrist Band is a minor. We expect adults to show the encouragement and respect the minor deserves as the minor learns their craft.
Adults that are written up for misconduct – whether an official is wearing the Yellow Wrist Band or not – will be given more severe sanctions than in the past!
Click HERE for the full letter!