GCAA Baseball
Divisions and Rules
Tball division is for children ages 4-6 and is an introduction to baseball to develop baseball skills and have FUN.
Games scores and standings are not kept in Tball. Games are one hour.
Prior to season starting 1 weeknight practice and 1 weekend practice. Days are determined by Coach and field availability.
Once games start, 1 weekend practice and 1 week night game. Games are usually played on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
Cost is $110 per season.
Sublimated Jerseys and hats will be provided.
Players will need bat, helmet and glove. Also baseball pants, belt, and socks are needed and color will be determined by Coach once teams are formed after registration ends.
Tball players are not required to participate in the skills assessment/draft day as their teams are randomly formed.
Coach Pitch is an instructional league intent on teaching young players fundamentals of baseball with pitching by the team’s own coach.
Prior to season starting 1 weeknight practice and 1 weekend practice. Days are determined by Coach and field availability.
Once games start, 1 weekend practice and 1 week night game. Games are usually played on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
All players are required to attend a Skill Assessment/Draft Day. Players are evaluated on hitting, throwing, catching, and base running and assigned an overall rating. These ratings will be used during the drafting process to help balance the skill levels between the teams.
Cost is $125 per season.
Sublimated Jerseys and hats are provided.
Players will need bat, helmet and glove. Also baseball pants, belt, and socks are needed and color will be determined by Coach once teams are formed after registration ends.
Minors league is a kid pitch division. Players begin to learn proper pitching techniques, sliding, base running along with the continued development of fundamentals.
Prior to season starting 1 weeknight practice and 1 weekend practice. Days are determined by Coach and field availability.
Once games start, 1 weekend practice and 1 week night game. Games are usually played on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
All players are required to attend a Skill Assessment/Draft Day. Players are evaluated on hitting, throwing, catching, pitching, and base running and assigned an overall rating. These ratings will be used during the drafting process to help balance the skill levels between the teams.
Cost is $125 per season.
Sublimated Jerseys and hats are provided.
Players will need bat, helmet and glove. Also baseball pants, belt, and socks are needed and color will be determined by Coach once teams are formed after registration ends.
Majors division continues with building upon baseball fundamentals are players get older.
Prior to season starting 1 weeknight practice and 1 weekend practice. Days are determined by Coach and field availability.
Once games start, 1 weekend practice and 1 week night game. Games are usually played on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
All players are required to attend a Skill Assessment/Draft Day. Players are evaluated on hitting, throwing, catching, pitching, and base running and assigned an overall rating. These ratings will be used during the drafting process to help balance the skill levels between the teams.
Cost is $125 per season.
Sublimated Jerseys and hats are provided.
Players will need bat, helmet and glove. Also baseball pants, belt, and socks are needed and color will be determined by Coach once teams are formed after registration ends.
Biggs League for players ages 13-15 is offered during the Spring Season only. It is in conjunction with the South Johnston Baseball Association. Typically 1-2 teams from GCAA will play surrounding Johnston County Baseball teams.
The Biggs League season will start later in the Spring.
Tarheel League Rules
GCAA generally adheres to the Tarheel League Rules for Tball, Coach Pitch, Minors, Majors, and Biggs Divisions. Each division specific GCAA rules will be listed below along with the Tarheel League Rules 2023 link for reference.
Bats: Bats must be USA Baseball approved and carry the USA Baseball Stamp or NFHS approved and carry the BBCOR stamp (High School). The bat shall be round and made of wood or any other approved material and shall not exceed 36 inches in length or 2 5/8 in diameter. There us no rule regarding weight/length ratio.
Games will be played for 45 minutes with relay race to end the game.
▪ Bases: 50'
▪ All volunteers and coaches must be registered with current background check. This includes anyone working in the dugout area.
▪ Each team is responsible for field cleanup and setup. This includes raking the batter box after game and pick up trash after game. The home team is responsible for bringing the tee.
▪ Outs will be enforced at any base or by tagging the base runner.
▪ 3 outs will clear the bases.
▪ There will be no catchers.
▪ All players will play in the field every inning.
▪ There will be a maximum of 5 defensive players in the infield; all other players must play in the outfield.
▪ All players must rotate positions. All players must play in the infield each game.
▪ Balls hit to outfield should be thrown to second base to stop play.
▪ All players will bat every inning, even if the opposing team records 3 outs.
▪ The player will return to dugout after being called out.
▪ Each batter will be pitched a maximum of 3 pitches where SKILL MERITS PITCHING (Belt high swing). The “T” must be used to put the ball in play after 3 Unsuccessful pitches (Balls, Strikes). The player will get as many swings as needed to hit from the "T".
▪ Each player will advance 1 base for balls hit in the infield. This includes on overthrown balls.
▪ Each player can advance bases until the ball is returned to the infield for balls hit to outfield.
▪ The last batter will run all bases.
Base Distance: 60'
Pitching Distance: The distance from the point of home plate to the pitching line/rubber must be at least 35'. The coach pitcher must start behind that line but can step over the line during the delivery of the pitch.
Game Time Limit: 1:15 (No new innings will be started once the one hour and 15-minute mark is reached)
Run Rule: A maximum of five (5) runs can be scored by a team per inning with the game ending once a team is mathematically eliminated.
Bat regulations:
- Bats must be USA Baseball approved and carry the USA Baseball Stamp or NFHS approved and carry the BBCOR stamp (High School).
- The bat shall be round and made of wood or any other approved material and shall not exceed 36 inches in length or 2 5/8 in diameter. There is no rule regarding weight/length ratio.
- If the bat has the USSSA stamp it's considered an illegal bat for Rec baseball.
- If a player is found using an illegal bat, that player will be an automatic out and the coach will receive a warning by umpire. If an illegal bat is used again, the coach will be ejected for that game. If an illegal bat is used in a subsequent game, the coach will be ejected for the season, the player will be an automatic out unless same player from previous game and that player will be ejected from the game.
Regular Season Tiebreaker: After the allotted time, if there is a tie, the last three outs will be placed on the bases with 1 out and one additional inning will be played. After one additional inning, if the game is tied, the game ends in a tie.
Number of Players:
- 10: 6 infielders, 4 outfielders.
- Team can play with 9 players, if there is no 10th batter, that batter will NOT count as an out.
- If team starts with 9 players and a player is injured and forced to leave the game, they will be able to continue playing with 8. When that players at bat comes up, it will not count as an out. That player cannot return to the game.
- No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning. This does not carry over from game to game.
- Players can't play the same position more than two (2) consecutive innings for ALL positions. This resets after one (1) inning in another position.
Guest Players:
- Guest players are allowed if playing with less than 10 players.
- Guest players should be selected from the division below as a first option. If that is not possible, a member of the baseball committee (rec director, president, etc.) can approve a guest player from the same division. The guest play should not have a higher rating (based of the rating provided during the draft) than the player he is guest playing for.
- Guest players must play RF and bat last in the lineup.
- Guest players are NOT ALLOWED during tournament play.
- All attending players must be in the batting line-up. Each batter will receive up to 5 pitches or 3 strikes to record a hit. If a foul ball is hit on the 5th pitch the batter will continue to hit until either a hit, strike or passed ball occurs.
- If the ball hits the pitching coach and the umpire believes it was unintentional its dead ball. All runners are to advance one base from their original location.
- If the pitching coach intentionally tries to be hit by the ball the batter is out and runners don’t advance.
- If the pitching coach intentionally or unintentionally obstructs the play on the field the batter is out. No warnings.
- Only one base can be taken on first overthrow, if the ball isn't dead (due to going off of field) the players are able to throw the advancing runner out. There is only one overthrow per hit. The second overthrow will be dead ball and runner must stay on the base they advanced to after first overthrow.
- No timeouts can be called by players. The official is to call timeout once the field is contained or the player in the pitcher position has the ball in the pitcher area, however an infielder who possesses the ball and is within the baselines may raise their hands to signal to umpire defensive play has stopped and umpire can call time.
At that point, if the base runner has already committed half way to the next base (as shown by the halfway mark), they may continue to advance or if less than halfway, they must return to previous base. - Defensive players must not block if there is no possibility of making an out.
Runner interference can be called with the runner awarded to advance to the next base. - If catcher does not have the ball or if the ball has no way of making it to the catcher, the catcher cannot block home plate.
- There is no infield fly rule in Coach Pitch
- No stealing in Coach Pitch
Coaches: Coaching rules will allow only 4 adults in dugout at any time during the game.
- Offense: One coach at third base, one coach at first base, one coach pitching, and one in the dugout for player control.
Base coaches may not have contact with runners while the ball is live and in play. The penalty is the runner is out.
Coach Pitcher may not coach the runner after the ball is hit. The penalty is the batter/runner is out. - Defense: There may be an outfield defensive coach on the right field line and the left field line, provided they stay in foul territory.
The outfield coach cannot come within 60 feet of the base during live ball and is confined to coaching outfield players ONLY.
Dugout coach must stay within arm's length of the dugout and can coach infield players.
End of Season Tournament:
- Players are allowed to play same position unlimited innings. Players do not have to change positions after two consecutive innings.
This rule still applies: No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning in that particular game. - Guest players are NOT ALLOWED during tournament play.
- Championship Game will be six (6) innings and cannot end in a tie.
- Tournament Tiebreaker: At the scheduled conclusion of the game, there is a tie, the last 3 outs will be placed on the bases with 1 out to start the inning. The game will be played until there is no longer a tie.
Base Distance: 60'
Pitching Distance: 46'
Game Time Limit: 1:15 (No new innings will be started once the one hour and 15-minute mark is reached)
Run Rule: A maximum of five (5) runs can be scored by a team per inning with the game ending once a team is mathematically eliminated.
Bat regulations:
- Bats must be USA Baseball approved and carry the USA Baseball Stamp or NFHS approved and carry the BBCOR stamp (High School).
- The bat shall be round and made of wood or any other approved material and shall not exceed 36 inches in length or 2 5/8 in diameter. There is no rule regarding weight/length ratio.
- If the bat has the USSSA stamp it's considered an illegal bat for Rec baseball.
- If a player is found using an illegal bat, that player will be an automatic out and the coach will receive a warning by umpire. If an illegal bat is used again, the coach will be ejected for that game. If an illegal bat is used in a subsequent game, the coach will be ejected for the season, the player will be an automatic out unless same player from previous game and that player will be ejected from the game.
Regular Season Tiebreaker: After the allotted time, if there is a tie, the last 3 batted outs will load the bases with 1 out recorded, and one additional inning will be played. After one additional inning, if the game is tied, the game ends in a tie.
Number of Players:
- Team can play with 8 players, if there is no 9th batter, that batter will NOT count as an out.
- If team starts with 8 players and a player is injured and forced to leave the game, they will be able to continue playing with 7. When that players next bat comes up it will count as an out, the following at bat will simply be skipped (no out). That player cannot return to the game.
Guest Players:
- Guest players are allowed if playing with less than 9 players.
- Guest players should be selected from the division below as a first option. If that is not possible, a member of the baseball committee (rec director, president, etc.) can approve a guest player from the same division. The guest play should not have a higher rating (based of the rating provided during the draft) than the player he is guest playing for.
- Guest players must play RF and bat last in the lineup.
- Guest players are NOT ALLOWED during tournament play.
- No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning. This does not carry over from game to game.
- Players can't play the same position more than two (2) consecutive innings except for the catcher position. This resets after one (1) inning in another position.
- Pitchers are allowed to pitch a maximum of two (2) innings per game.
- One (1) pitch in an inning is considered a complete inning.
- All innings must be pitched consecutively.
- No balks enforced: Umpires may call balks and instruct pitcher but no penalty is enforced.
- Base runners are not allowed to leave the base until the pitch crosses the plate. If a base runner leaves early the runner will be out.
- No bunting (Minors is still a developmental league with players beginning to learn pitching skills and stealing/base running).
- No dropped 3rd strike.
- No dropped 3rd strike.
- No infield fly rule.
End of Season Tournament:
- Players are allowed to play same position unlimited innings. Players do not have to change positions after two consecutive innings.
This rule still applies: No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning in that particular game. - Tournament Tiebreaker: At the scheduled conclusion of the game there is a tie, the last 3 batted outs with load the bases with 1 recorded out to start the inning. The game will be played until there is no longer a tie.
- Championship Game will be six (6) innings and cannot end in a tie.
Base Distance: 70'
Pitching Distance: 50'
Game Time Limit: 1:30 (No new innings will be started once the one hour and 30-minute mark is reached)
Run Rule: Twelve (12) runs after three (3) innings // ten (10) runs after four (4) innings.
Bat regulations:
- Bats must be USA Baseball approved and carry the USA Baseball Stamp or NFHS approved and carry the BBCOR stamp (High School).
- The bat shall be round and made of wood or any other approved material and shall not exceed 36 inches in length or 2 5/8 in diameter. There is no rule regarding weight/length ratio.
- If the bat has the USSSA stamp it's considered an illegal bat for Rec baseball.
- If a player is found using an illegal bat, that player will be an automatic out and the coach will receive a warning by umpire. If an illegal bat is used again, the coach will be ejected for that game. If an illegal bat is used in a subsequent game, the coach will be ejected for the season, the player will be an automatic out unless same player from previous game and that player will be ejected from the game.
Regular Season Tiebreaker: At the conclusion of time, if the teams are tied, the last 3 batted outs will load the bases with 1 recorded out, and one additional inning will be played. If at the end of that inning is still a tie, the game will end in a tie.
Number of Players:
- Team can play with 8 players, if there is no 9th batter, that batter will NOT count as an out.
- If team starts with 8 players and a player is injured and forced to leave the game, they will be able to continue playing with 7. When that players next bat comes up it will count as an out, the following at bat will simply be skipped (no out). That player cannot return to the game.
- No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning. This does not carry over from game to game.
- Players can't play the same position more than two (2) consecutive innings except for the catcher position. This resets after one (1) inning in another position.
Guest Players:
- Guest players are allowed if playing with less than 10 players.
- Guest players should be selected from the division below as a first option. If that is not possible, a member of the baseball committee (rec director, president, etc.) can approve a guest player from the same division. The guest play should not have a higher rating (based of the rating provided during the draft) than the player he is guest playing for.
- Guest players must play RF and bat last in the lineup.
- Guest players are NOT ALLOWED during tournament play.
- Pitchers are allowed to pitch a maximum of three (3) innings per game.
- If pitching a third (3) inning and the pitcher reaches sixty (60) pitches, the pitcher can finish the batter than needs to be replaced. If he is not pulled, the opposing team should notify the umpire, and a warning will be given.
- One (1) pitch in an inning is considered a complete inning.
- All innings must be pitched consecutively.
- Balks: One balk warning allowed per team, per game, before a penalty is enforced.
Offense: Open bases.
Defense: Infield fly rule applies.
End of Season Tournament:
- Players are allowed to play same position unlimited innings. Players do not have to change positions after two consecutive innings.
This rule still applies: No player will sit two (2) innings in a game before all other players have sat out an inning in that particular game. - Guest players are NOT ALLOWED during tournament play.
- Tournament Tiebreaker: At the scheduled conclusion of the game there is a tie, the last 3 batted outs with load the bases with 1 recorded out to start the inning. The game will be played until there is no longer a tie.
- Championship Game will be six (6) innings and cannot end in a tie.
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